ADS API V2 Documentation

To access APIR DATA Service using an API, a user needs to have a valid API key.

You can access the APIs through a web browser/HTTP GET request.

Validate APIR Code/ISIN

This API lets you validate an APIR Code or an ISIN


Path Variables

Parameter Description
codeType The type of the code to validate, it can be eitherĀ  'isin' or 'apirCode'
code The APIR Code or ISIN
api_key Your API key which you received from APIR when you subscribed for the service


valid String Shows whether the requested code is valid or not.
active String shows if the product is active or not.
status String Shows the product status.

Send the following HTTP request to APIR API to validate an APIR Code or an ISIN

curl{codeType}/{code}?apikey={api_key} -X
		"valid": "true",
		"active": "yes",
		"status": "closed"

Reference Data Report

The API for Reference Data Report lets you download the list of products. It gives you the option to download all products or just the currently active ones.


Path Variables

Parameter Description
reportType A string value of 'all' or 'active'.'all' lets you download all the products in our database and 'active' lets you download only the active ones.
apikeyYour API key which you received from APIR when you subscribed for the service.


It returns the products grouped by Product Category(Eg. Superannuation Product) and the products under that category will have only the relevant fields.


Note that all the fields do not appear in every product category.

Name Type Description
String Product APIR Code or SPIN Code
Product_Name String Product Name
Marketing_Name String Marketing Name
Product_Issuer_Name String Product Issuer Name
Product_Issuer_APIR_Code String Product Issuer APIR Code
Product_Issuer_Role String Product Issuer Role
Issuer_LEI String Issuer LEI
Product_Status String Status of the Product in the Market
Open_or_Closed_end_Fund String Open or Closed End Fund
Jurisdiction String Jurisdiction
Base_Currency String Base Currency
Date_Opened Date Product Open Date
Date Product Closed Date or Scheduled Close Date.
Date Product Termination Date or Scheduled Termination Date.
ISIN String Product ISIN
CFI String Product CFI
FISN String Product FISN
LEI String Product LEI
ABN String Product ABN
RSE String Product RSE
Is_This_a_Spin_Product Boolean Product This a Spin Product?
USI String USI
Australian_Registered_Scheme_Number String Product Australian Registered Scheme Number
Product_Category String Category of Product
Investor_Type String Product Investor Type
Product_Type String Product Type
Asset_Kind String Product Asset Kind
Sub-asset_Kind String Product Sub-asset Kind
Geographical_Focus String Product Geographical Focus
Product_Classification String Product Classification
Investment_Objective String Product Investment Objective
Pricing_Frequency String Product Pricing Frequency
Distribution_Frequency String Product Distribution Frequency
Superannuation_Type String Product Superannuation Type
Strategy/Style String Product Strategy/Style
Superannuation_Fund_Type String Product Superannuation Fund Type
Structure String Product Structure
Cover_Type String Product Cover Type
Send the following HTTP request to APIR API to download the list of products

curl GET{reportType}?apikey={api_key} -X

Sample JSON response:
		"Superannuation Product": [
				"Product_APIR_Code/SPIN_Code": "AMP0073AU",
				"Product_Name": "AMP Personal Investment Plan (ULEJ) - AMP International Share",
				"Marketing_Name": null,
				"Product_Issuer_Name": "AMP Life Limited",
				"Product_Issuer_APIR_Code": "AMPX140AU",
				"Product_Issuer_Role": "Trustee",
				"Issuer_LEI": null,
				"Product_Status": "Open",
				"Jurisdiction": "Australia",
				"Base_Currency": "Australian Dollar",
				"Date_Opened": "1994-01-01",
				"Date_Closed": null,
				"Date_Terminated": null,
				"ISIN": "AU60AMP00737",
				"CFI": null,
				"FISN": null,
				"LEI": null,
				"ABN": null,
				"RSE": null,
				"Is_This_a_Spin_Product": "false",
				"USI": null,
				"Product_Category": "Superannuation Product",
				"Product_Type": "Investment Option-Super",
				"Superannuation_Type": null,
				"Strategy/Style": null,
				"Superannuation_Fund_Type": null,
				"Structure": "Savings Plan - Life Insurance Company"
				"Product_APIR_Code/SPIN_Code": "AMP1080AU",
				"Product_Name": "AMP SignatureSuper Pension - Future Directions Balanced",
				"Marketing_Name": null,
				"Product_Issuer_Name": "N. M. Superannuation Pty Ltd",
				"Product_Issuer_APIR_Code": "NMSX100AU",
				"Product_Issuer_Role": "Trustee",
				"Issuer_LEI": null,
				"Product_Status": "Open",
				"Jurisdiction": "Australia",
				"Base_Currency": "Australian Dollar",
				"Date_Opened": "2006-06-01",
				"Date_Closed": null,
				"Date_Terminated": null,
				"ISIN": "AU60AMP10801",
				"CFI": "CSOMMU",
				"FISN": null,
				"LEI": null,
				"ABN": "78421957449",
				"RSE": "R1056433",
				"Is_This_a_Spin_Product": "false",
				"USI": null,
				"Product_Category": "Superannuation Product",
				"Product_Type": "Investment Option-Super",
				"Superannuation_Type": null,
				"Strategy/Style": null,
				"Superannuation_Fund_Type": null,
				"Structure": "Pension - Allocated"
		"Managed Investment Product": [
				"Product_APIR_Code": "FSF0797AU",
				"Product_Name": "FirstChoice WS Inv - Acadian WS Defensive Income",
				"Marketing_Name": null,
				"Product_Issuer_Name": "Colonial First State Investments Limited",
				"Product_Issuer_APIR_Code": "FSFX100AU",
				"Product_Issuer_Role": "Responsible Entity",
				"Issuer_LEI": null,
				"Product_Status": "Open",
				"Open_or_Closed_end_Fund": "Open-end",
				"Jurisdiction": "Australia",
				"Base_Currency": "Australian Dollar",
				"Date_Opened": "2006-03-06",
				"Closed_Date/Scheduled_Close_Date": null,
				"Termination_Date/Scheduled_Termination_Date": null,
				"ISIN": "AU60FSF07978",
				"CFI": "CMOJR",
				"FISN": null,
				"LEI": null,
				"ABN": "24237254829",
				"Australian_Registered_Scheme_Number": "118583976",
				"Product_Category": "Managed Investment Product",
				"Investor_Type": "Wholesale",
				"Product_Type": "Investment Option",
				"Asset_Kind": "Alternatives",
				"Sub-asset_Kind": "Property - Securities",
				"Geographical_Focus": "International (Excluding Australia)",
				"Product_Classification": null,
				"Investment_Objective": "Income and Growth",
				"Pricing_Frequency": "Daily",
				"Distribution_Frequency": "Quarterly"
		"Managed Account": [
				"Product_APIR_Code": "NUN5591AU",
				"Product_Name": "SMA Mont Partners Multi-Asset Income Portfolio",
				"Marketing_Name": null,
				"Product_Issuer_Name": "Navigator Australia Limited",
				"Product_Issuer_APIR_Code": "NUNX100AU",
				"Product_Issuer_Role": "Responsible Entity",
				"Issuer_LEI": null,
				"Product_Status": "Open",
				"Jurisdiction": "Australia",
				"Base_Currency": "Australian Dollar",
				"Date_Opened": "2020-12-16",
				"Date_Closed": null,
				"Date_Terminated": null,
				"ISIN": null,
				"CFI": null,
				"FISN": null,
				"LEI": null,
				"ABN": "16951376697",
				"Australian_Registered_Scheme_Number": "138086889",
				"Product_Category": "Managed Account",
				"Investor_Type": "Retail",
				"Product_Type": "SMA Model",
				"Asset_Kind": "Equities",
				"Sub-asset_Kind": "Diversified",
				"Geographical_Focus": "International (Excluding Australia)",
				"Investment_Objective": "Income and Growth"
		"Insurance": [
				"Product_APIR_Code": "MLC3806AU",
				"Product_Name": "MLC Protectionfirst",
				"Marketing_Name": "MLC Protectionfirst and MLC Protectionfirst Super",
				"Product_Issuer_Name": "MLC Limited",
				"Product_Issuer_APIR_Code": "MLCX100AU",
				"Product_Issuer_Role": "Insurance Company",
				"Issuer_LEI": null,
				"Product_Status": "Open",
				"Jurisdiction": "Australia",
				"Base_Currency": "Australian Dollar",
				"Date_Opened": "2017-06-30",
				"Date_Closed": null,
				"Date_Terminated": null,
				"Product_Category": "Insurance",
				"Product_Type": "Parent Insurance Product",
				"Cover_Type": null


SPIN List Report

The API for SPIN report lets you download the list of SPIN (Superannuation Product Identification Number) products.


Path Variables

Parameter Description
apikey Your API key which you received from APIR when you subscribed for the service.



Name Type Description
Product_APIR_Code/SPIN_Code String Product APIR Code or SPIN Code
Product_Name String Product Name
Marketing_Name String Marketing Name
Product_Issuer_Name String Product Issuer Name
Product_Issuer_APIR_Code String Product Issuer APIR Code
Product_Issuer_Role String Product Issuer Role
Issuer_LEI String Issuer LEI
Product_Status String Status of the Product in the Market
Jurisdiction String Jurisdiction
Base_Currency String Base Currency
Date_Opened Date Product Open Date
Date_Closed Date Product Closed Date
Date_Terminated Date Product Termination Date
ISIN String Product ISIN
CFI String Product CFI
FISN String Product FISN
LEI String Product LEI
ABN String Product ABN
RSE String Product RSE
Is_This_a_Spin_Product Boolean Product This a Spin Product?
USI String USI
Product_Category String Category of Product
Product_Type String Product Type
Superannuation_Type String Product Superannuation Type
Strategy/Style String Product Strategy/Style
Superannuation_Fund_Type String Product Superannuation Fund Type
Structure String Product Structure
Send the following HTTP request to APIR API to download the list of SPIN products

curl GET{api_key} -X

Sample JSON response:
		"spin": [
				"Product_APIR_Code/SPIN_Code": "AMP0578AU",
				"Product_Name": "AMP Guaranteed Income Plan",
				"Marketing_Name": null,
				"Product_Issuer_Name": "AMP Life Limited",
				"Product_Issuer_APIR_Code": "AMPX140AU",
				"Product_Issuer_Role": "Trustee",
				"Issuer_LEI": null,
				"Product_Status": "Open",
				"Jurisdiction": "Australia",
				"Base_Currency": "Australian Dollar",
				"Date_Opened": "2002-09-20",
				"Date_Closed": null,
				"Date_Terminated": null,
				"ISIN": "AU60AMP05785",
				"CFI": "CSOMMU",
				"FISN": null,
				"LEI": null,
				"ABN": null,
				"RSE": null,
				"Is_This_a_Spin_Product": "true",
				"USI": "AMP0578AU",
				"Product_Category": "Superannuation Product",
				"Product_Type": "Division",
				"Superannuation_Type": "Public offer fund",
				"Strategy/Style": null,
				"Superannuation_Fund_Type": null,
				"Structure": "Superannuation"
				"Product_APIR_Code/SPIN_Code": "CHG0006AU",
				"Product_Name": "Bendigo Guaranteed Annuity",
				"Marketing_Name": null,
				"Product_Issuer_Name": "Challenger Life Company Limited",
				"Product_Issuer_APIR_Code": "CHGX110AU",
				"Product_Issuer_Role": "Trustee",
				"Issuer_LEI": null,
				"Product_Status": "Open",
				"Jurisdiction": "Australia",
				"Base_Currency": "Australian Dollar",
				"Date_Opened": "2012-12-10",
				"Date_Closed": null,
				"Date_Terminated": null,
				"ISIN": "AU60CHG00062",
				"CFI": "CSOMMU",
				"FISN": null,
				"LEI": null,
				"ABN": null,
				"RSE": null,
				"Is_This_a_Spin_Product": "true",
				"USI": "CHG0006AU",
				"Product_Category": "Superannuation Product",
				"Product_Type": "Superannuation Fund",
				"Superannuation_Type": "Public offer fund",
				"Strategy/Style": "Others (Miscellaneous)",
				"Superannuation_Fund_Type": "Others (Miscellaneous)",
				"Structure": "Annuity"